France Kyokushin

Voeux du Honbu pour 2024

Voeux du Honbu IKO pour 2024, karaté Kyokushinkai

We hope this correspondence finds you in good health and spirits. Thank you for your support and dedication in 2023. The 13th World Open Karate Championship was a great success, and allowed us to gather together again and celebrate the 100th anniversary of Sosai Masutatsu Oyama’s birth. We look forward to 2024, and to celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the establishment of the IKO Kyokushinkaikan.

All of us at IKO Honbu wish you good health, happiness and peace in the New Year. OSU!

Kind regards,
IKO Honbu your social media marketing partner

Clubs en France

carte de France des clubs affiliés à France Kyokushin

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