France Kyokushin


IKO Summer Camp 2015 Pologne

Début Jeudi 20 Août 2015
Fin Dimanche 23 Août 2015

IKO Kyokushin Summer Camp 2015 Pologne


Allow me to invite you all to participate in the IKO Summer Camp 2015. The camp will take place in Lublin between 20th and 23rd of August and it will be led by Shihan Katsuhito Gorai and Shihan Francisco Filho from Brazil. Before the beginning of the Camp Shihan Gorai will lead a special seminar for referees, which will be concluded with an IKO Judge Licence exam "AJ" and "J". During the Camp you will be able to participate in the kyu and dan exams (up to 4th dan included).

If you or your students wish to participate you must register Only using the official registration form on IKO Summer Camp 2015 website :

Registration start up from May 25. If you will have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Best regards. Osu !

Jacek Czerniec
Poland IKO Branch Chief

Lieu : Lublin - Pologne


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